Collective Consciousness

The World is a projection of our Collective Consciousness “The World is a projection of our Collective Consciousness. If our Collective Consciousness reaches the place of peace, harmony, laughter and love, it will be a different world.”

Consciousness generally perceived is the ‘Awakening of Inner Self‘. When this realisation of awakening dawns, it will not only ‘Be the Change’ but also a ‘Vehicle Of Change‘ for a better tomorrow and if this awareness descends on the society as a whole, then this ‘Collective Consciousness‘ becomes the unifying force , propelling all to give the best for the betterment of our society.

Society is the manifestation of our collective consciousness. We, the educators at MJKPS work in this direction. All departments along with the students get together enthusiastically and provide solutions to the problems ailing the society. We work to nurture the young talent by interconnecting with them through the fabric of collective positive energy so that it becomes the driving force for a better, harmonious and a coherent social atmosphere.

It is the collective will of the people in today’s turbulent times which is helping us to sail through this unseen, unknown, and unforeseen calamity. All of us have risen together, during this lock down period, navigating the nuances of online teaching and learning. Our virtual classrooms are filled with harmonious interaction and motivation to forge ahead.

We continue to hold the fort collectively in our whole-hearted endeavour to make this world a wonderful place to live in.

‘For what we radiate collectively, is what we will get back’.

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